These days it seems I am always nearly in tears with laughter over the things Ryan is saying. Here are a few that happened this week that I just never want to forget:
On Heaven--He told me after our nightly bible story he wanted to go live in Heaven with Jesus. I was so proud of him. The next morning, I told Josh (in front of Ryan) about Ryan wanting to go live in Heaven. Then Ryan tugged on Josh's shirt urgently and said, "I don't wanna go there anymore."
Whenever I look unhappy or give him the "straighten up" look: He knits his brows together and very seriously says, "Mommy I sorry. I don't mean to. I so sorry."
To baby Dylan when he's crying, "Ohhhhhhhhhh you fiiiiiine baby Dylan youuuu fine. No more crying baaaaby dylan!" (He is for the record, the sweetest, most attentive big brother ever.) Then if the baby does not stop crying, he throws his hands up and says, "YOU tell him Mommy. He not listen."
When I was folding laundry he saw a framed picture of Josh and I on our wedding day. He brought it over to me and said, "Mommy, you look like a princess." My heart just melted. I asked him if Daddy looked like a prince. He said, "No, he not. He look like a shoe."
I was briefing Ryan on our holiday plans. I told him we'd get to see Uncle Jason and Aunt Becky at Thanksgiving. I asked him if he knew where Uncle Jason lived, which was kindof mean, because my brother moves around a lot and the odds of him actually knowing are pretty much none. But he gave me a really good answer. "He lives in a Helatopa (helicopter)." Which is actually really close considering my brother is a marine training on the Ospery aircraft and training is pretty intense.
When he wants candy he shows me his wrinkle free thumbs and reminds me, "I no suck my fum (thumb) I'm a BIG boy."
On Halloween day we walked him into daycare, where a huge shipment of candy lay in boxes and boxes on the table. His eyes grew huge. Candy is a big deal to him. He told Josh in a dreamy voice, "I just wanna look (at) it." And then he stood there and stared at the candy for about a two whole minutes before Josh got tired of it and let him away.
Finally, I showed him a youtube clip of the original "Charley and the Chocolate Factory." The clip was the part where Veruca wants a golden goose, throws a tantrum, then goes down the shoot, then Willy Wonka says, "She was a bad egg." Ryan's eyes were huge. He turned to me horrified and said, "She turned into an egg! She a BAAAAD egg! I no wanna be a egg! " Then he asked me to watch it again.
Also, he has some pretty adorable substitutions and distortions these days.
Squirrels are "furrels."
Chick-fil-a is "Chicka-lay"
He refers to Thomas the Train as "my Thomas."
"Egg" for the record is pronounced "ek."