I absolutely love the blog playathomemom3.blogspot.com. They have so many amazing ideas for helping children learn through play. I love how you can select a category and find just about anything you could ever want from sensory activities, language activities, glow in the dark activities, etc. That being said, I've had this Dinosaur egg activity pinned for a while because Ryan is completely in love with dinosaurs right now. We finally got around to trying it out. Ryan and I made our dinosaur eggs following the recipe given at "playathomemom3" with flour, sand, dirt and water. We mushed little dollar-store dinosaurs inside and let them dry for a day. The next day, we cracked them open with the hammer.
And all their little dinosaurs hatched....
Next we had to make them a habitat.
We used some sticks and the tree tops of their National Geographic toy set to make a pretty neat tree. I used a small tin and added some blue food coloring to make the water super blue. Ryan added some grass clippings for the pteradactyl nest.
I also added some blue food coloring to the water part of the sandtable. Dylan enjoyed floating his "prehistoric" sharks and alligators in this area.
A lot of fun ensued. This activity kept them entertained for several hours this afternoon.
At one point, Ryan went Jurassic Park on his dinosaurs and caged them up.
Dylan really got into this activity too. I won't be surprised if they ask to do this one again.