Sunday, August 28, 2011


It's unbelievably useful.....
Especially for under-arm funk.

That oughta do it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Popcorn with Flair

Last week as a special send-off treat for Josh, we made some special pop-corn.
If you love peanut butter, it may be right up your alley.

We used air-popped popcorn, although I'm sure you could also use plain micowavable popcorn.

Use equal parts corn syrup, peanut butter and sugar in a pot and bring it to a boil.

You could also add a tablespoon of vanilla extract, but we forgot that step and it still tasted really good.

Pour over your popcorn and stir until mixed in thoroughly.  The result is something like a pop-corn ball.  Then...enjoy!  It was a big hit at our house. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Ryan is full of excuses when it comes to me leaving him at the childcare at the YMCA.

First, when I , told him we were going to go, he said he was "too hungry."
No problem buddy, here's some dinner.

Then I got in my workout clothes.  When I came back he was laying on the couch with his eyes squinched shut.
C'mon buddy it's time to go.
"I can't! I too sleepin."

I got him in the car and he started telling me, "I too sick!"
I told him he was not sick.
And we were going.
And that was that!
To which he relplied
"I no talk you!" and crossed his arms and pouted.
Talk about bringing out the big guns.
Overall he did very well....when we actually got there.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Teacher Voice

Working in a school over the last few years I've picked up a few "teacher" phrases.   The most popular one when students are being non-compliant or not listening is to say " That's so sad....what a sad choice...." or "You are making me sad." The word sad has different meanings depending on the tone you choose to employ.

It could mean: You really are making me sad. What a sad choice. No good will come of your choice and then I'm going to do be forced to do something to help you listen, like putting you in time out or taking away that toy, and I'm gonna feel bad for you 'cause you're a really good kid."

Or, it could mean: You are making me upset.  If you stay on your current path there will be a consequence and you really won't like it.  But justice will be served.

I use this phrase with Ryan at home when he is not obeying or not listening. For example, when we tell him not to bite us when he gets excited while rough housing, but then he bites us anyway. That would be an example of us employing the later tone and hidden meaning.

Last night Ryan was on the potty and having a little bit of difficulty finishing his business.  He said " Mommy you help me poop me? I need help! I need help! You help me poop please?"

I told him "Uhh no. Sorry." 

His brows knit together, his mouth became a straight line....." MAH-mee, YOU makin' me SAD." Oh, he got the tone down just right. The word "sad" was perfectly weighted with menace and delivered to mean: "You Mommy are making a BAD choice.  You must change your course of action immediately before justice is served."
I nearly choked on my toothpaste. 
I looked at him and he held my gaze, glowering at me.  
I decided honesty would be the best policy here.
"Buddy, I would LOVE to help you, I really would, but I'm just not ABLE to help you.  Why don't you clench your hands together like this? Maybe that will help...."
And that seemed to placate him.  
I wonder if he'll be a teacher some day. 
I think he's got some raw talent here.....

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Self Soothing Behavior: Part 2

The other way Ryan likes to soothe himself is to suck his thumb.  
Yes.  The dreaded thumb sucking. 
I've always hoped my children would NOT be thumb suckers. 

The reason is simple: Thumb sucking has adverse effects.  It can cause cross-bites, tongue thrust, a narrow palate, open bite or mix of these.  Changes in the occlusion of the teeth as a result of thumb sucking can impede speech development (speech sounds t, d, sh, dz, are a few and it can cause a lisp).  

Although pacifiers can also have negative effects, at least they aren't attached to the child's BODY.  There are so many many clever ways to take away pacifiers.....the pacifier fairy can come collect all the pacifiers and give them to the babies who need them.....they can only be used at nap or bedtime and then weaned away....I could go on.  In short, I would rather tackle breaking a child of a pacifier than thumb sucking.

Today I noticed Ryan has an open bite.  So after I spent a minute panicking, I remembered I shouldn't panic yet--at least not until his permanent teeth come in.  There is still plenty of time to correct things (fingers crossed).

So, I was brushing up on techniques to break thumb sucking.  I was getting some new ideas of things to try and feeling pretty positive about things when I looked down and saw my sweet sweet little Dylan....


Friday, August 19, 2011

Self soothing behavior

Some kids soothe themselves by sucking their thumb or twirling their hair to help them fall asleep.
Some carry around a special blanket.
Ryan has soothed himself by "stroking"  from the time he was very young. This is accomplished by sticking his hand just barely inside the collar of my shirt.  Oh, and it's not just ME.  He does this with both men and women.  Women don't like it but most understand.  It just really freaks the men out.  I've been assured it's left-over from nursing.  Apparently it's fairly common.  Who knew?

As he's grown, we've tried to eliminate this behavior.  But, so far he's just developed some new stroking moves..

For men: the against the grain whisker rub. (This drives Daddy absolutely bonkers).

The vulkan mind meld: He puts one finger the corner of his victim's eye and places his open hand over one side of their face. Aaand just holds it there. 

The Stinky foot rub:  When he's tired of us yelling at him to stop stroking us with his hands, he sneaks up on us with his stinky feet.  Usually he pulls this move when our backs are turned and suddenly there's a foot creeping up the back of our shirts. 

And when all else fails and we DRAW THE LINE--NO MORE Stroking Ryan! ........he strokes himself.  It get's him to sleep every time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How does Ryan cut his food?

Mama, I don't need no stinkin knife.  I'm a BOY.  
I use MAN tools!

Dylan and the Giraffe

Dylan is my smiley boy.  He loves to smile at people.  When he gets bored and there isn't a face to smile at, he gets fussy.  Sometimes when I need to get things done, I put him on his tummy time mat.

This is the giraffe attached to Dylan's tummy time mat. 

He gives it the best eye contact and smiles, and smiles and smiles at it. 


The other day I got a big surprise.

Ryan told me "It you birthday! I make you chicken!" 

Wow buddy! Thanks, I didn't know it's my birthday....

"And I got you candies!"
Ooooh my favorite....

"And a dong dong!"
Wow I've always wanted one of those...
"You eat it?"
Ummm no thanks.

"An I got you birthday turtle!"

"And I get you birthday cake!  Haaaapy birthday you! Haaapy birthday you!"

Isn't he thoughtful?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Awkward Moments at the Gym

Have you ever reached that point where you wanted to try something new and different? Vary your workout routine just a smidge?
When I got pregnant with Dylan, I was way too sick to work out.  Then after he was born, I had to rest and recover.  Last week I decided it was high time our family membership was used again.
I picked up a current schedule of classes and times for childcare.
I missed the class I was aiming for yesterday due to Ryan's difficulty calming down for the childcare workers.  Today, the only available class at the time between Dylan's feedings was called "Dance your *!!**!! Off"  I normally stay away from any and all things dance related for reasons below and previous bad experiences I may later relate.
I decided to try it. As I detail the experience, I can only remember I brought it on myself....

9:15--Wait nervously for people to show I in the right place?
9:16- I AM in the right place. A nice elderly lady tells me it's a good workout and we'll be sweating by the end and the instructor plays a lot of wedding music.  I'm thinking...Bach? Pachabel? The Chicken Dance?
9:18- More people show up.  The 20 somethings in the room are small islands in the sea of the senior citizens in attendance. (This should have been my second cue to get the H-E-double hockeysticks out of there). The instructor bounces in with the energy level of Richard Simmons and starts us stepping side to side. Ugh. I line up in the very last row and try to line up with the pole.  I already know I'm awkward at this kindof stuff.  I don't need to see it.
9:20-Oh goody.  We're flapping around the room serenaded by "Hey Mickey" It's kindof comical really, doing the arm flap stretchy things with a semi-grape vine step with some clapping thrown in for good measure.
9:25- Wow this instructor sure has a lot of energy.  She's moving her body in ways that don't seem possible complete with shoulder shimmies.  I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  I am managing to effectively appear to be having a seizure.
9:30- Holy horror. She's playing "I Like Big Butts"???!! ......complete with demi squats.  This will always hold a special place in my heart as I watch at least 20 senior citizens "shaking it."
9:35-I think she's showing us how to mosh? Not a small feat given the current population.
9:40-Ah yes, the electric slide.  Perhaps this is what was meant by wedding music.  The senior citizens in the room are doing a great job with this.  Maybe they learned how to dance in school or have been to a lot more weddings than I have been to....'cuz I really suck at this.  I do my best not to whirl into someone else as we turn to the four corners of the world.
9:45-She said "This is IT"...Hurray!
9:50- Oh, she only meant that SONG was over. I feel so lied to. Say what? Get out the bands of torture? Oh my....oh my ....
As the song "Superfreak" blares away, me, three other twenty-somethings and a bunch of senior citizens complete pelvic thrusts, some body contortion that looks like I should be hoola-hooping, and tricep pulls using bands.  Mmmm....k. Wayyy out of my comfort zone here.
9:55-Thank you sweet God we're finally cooling down.  I think I could cry with relief.
10:00 It's over!

Did I get a good work out? Oh yes.  Was it painful? Oh yes.  In more ways than one.  And don't get me wrong, I am NOT knocking the senior citizens who were participating.  I'm sure they looked way better than I did out there.  But, let's just face it, when God was handing out the "dancing" genes, he skipped me.  Will I ever try another dancing class, even though I find it incredibly painful and awkward? Probably. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things....

Some of the things Ryan has said recently that just crack us up--or look at each other and say "That one's YOURS."

(After falling and hurting himself)
"Owww my butt! You kiss my butt Mommy?"

After being told he's the man of the house while Papa's away....
"I NOT man! I Ryan!"
Us- Are you a boy?
" I NOT boy! Aiiiii Ryan!"

 On the subject of the weather.....
"It too windy out!"
"It too rainy out!"
"It too sunny out!"
In the event it is either too rainy or sunny, he insists we need an umbrella.

"SHHHH, Baby Dylan sleepin.  Gotta be quiet!"

(To me after I mentioned having icecream after dinner)
"You be good boy.  Eat all you dinner (something we can't quite make out) noooo ice-cream" 
Hmm that one sure does sound familiar....wonder where he heard that?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer is....

 It's a time for....

         Outdoor Snacks.....

 And fun....
 Fun in the sun!
  Enjoy it while you can! 'Cuz it's almost over!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today I was looking at some old pictures of Ryan and it sent me down memory lane.

Potty training this spring....
I still nearly die laughing looking at this.  I thought he was so cute at this age....

But then, he was pretty fun at age 1 1/2 too!

Then, even farther back...
He had us totally wrapped around his little finger.  One years old was the best!
No wait....he was just so sweet at six months.

But then....he had a KILLER smile at three months.

I guess EVERY age was the "best" age.   And I'm excited I get to repeat all those fun ages with this special little guy....who also happens to have a heart-melting smile.

Meet Eliott the psycho dog.

Once upon a time, a few months after Josh and I were married, I got the "baby bug."
Josh really wasn't ready.  He was still finishing his second senior year in undergrad and was preparing to attend graduate school after that.  At the time, we didn't know where he would end up, but we did know whatever program he got into would be challenging and time consuming....and that it would last a good four or five MORE years. 
But this bug was really hard to shake. 
We already had one dog, Esteban, a sweet lovable dopey canine who I had adopted for myself before we were married when it was a little lonely coming home to an empty apartment.  In many ways, Esteban was my "first baby". 
I poured out all the love I would have given a child on that puppy.  But that puppy grew up.
 (Esteban "hiding" from bath-time.  Not very bright, but very very sweet boy.)
So, to in hopes to placate me,  Josh took me to the humane society to pick out another puppy.  I had my eyes on a different ball of fluff, but Josh really wanted this little butterball we ended up adopting and naming Eliott.
Boy she sure was cute.  Was being the key word.

She was an obedient, smart little puppy.  But somehow she turned into this neurotic obsessed creature.
She lives for her racket ball.  No one is as fast as Eliott.  She considers it her one and only purpose in life to fetch and chase the ball.  We can't escape. 
She knows just where to put her ball so we have to throw it!
She puts her ball on or next to our heads when we lay down at night.
In the two seconds it takes to sit in a chair, she has it placed on the seat under our butts.
She places it directly on our laps, crooks of our arms et cetera.
And we have to be VERY careful where we put her ball.
She will chew, slice and dig her way to it no matter the obstacle.
She chewed through my nightstand drawer, the lining of the boxspring of the guest bed (don't ask me how the ball got trapped in the lining.) and several other things.
Aaand we discovered after we started having children, she likes diapers.  Which leads me to why I wrote this post in the first place.
The other day I came home to this:

She is smart enough to push the button of the diaper pail, knock it over, and, well you know what she does next.  Gross dog.
She knows when she's been bad, because she gets "slinky." She slinks around looking guilty and avoiding me.  Yes, she even hides from me and won't come when I call her.  That's when I know to go look for some devastation somewhere in the house if I don't run into something immediately when I come home.

On top of everything yesterday, Ryan let her out the front door and she ran away.
The baby was crying and needed me.  I couldn't leave to go looking for her.
I was thinking nasty, dark, violent thoughts in her direction when a kind neighbor brought her back.

Josh had to remind me that I wouldn't be so mad at her if I didn't care about her a little bit.  I guess every family has it's "problem child."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vacation: Days 5 and 6

Museums, Museums, Museums summed up our vacation week.  We went to both the Children's Museum in Cherry Hill and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.  Since I have about 400 pictures of those two days, here's just a few picture highlights....

Yes, we actually rode this moves about 2 inches forward and 2 inches backwards. 

Thanks Mom and Dad for a great vacation!