Sunday, August 21, 2011

Teacher Voice

Working in a school over the last few years I've picked up a few "teacher" phrases.   The most popular one when students are being non-compliant or not listening is to say " That's so sad....what a sad choice...." or "You are making me sad." The word sad has different meanings depending on the tone you choose to employ.

It could mean: You really are making me sad. What a sad choice. No good will come of your choice and then I'm going to do be forced to do something to help you listen, like putting you in time out or taking away that toy, and I'm gonna feel bad for you 'cause you're a really good kid."

Or, it could mean: You are making me upset.  If you stay on your current path there will be a consequence and you really won't like it.  But justice will be served.

I use this phrase with Ryan at home when he is not obeying or not listening. For example, when we tell him not to bite us when he gets excited while rough housing, but then he bites us anyway. That would be an example of us employing the later tone and hidden meaning.

Last night Ryan was on the potty and having a little bit of difficulty finishing his business.  He said " Mommy you help me poop me? I need help! I need help! You help me poop please?"

I told him "Uhh no. Sorry." 

His brows knit together, his mouth became a straight line....." MAH-mee, YOU makin' me SAD." Oh, he got the tone down just right. The word "sad" was perfectly weighted with menace and delivered to mean: "You Mommy are making a BAD choice.  You must change your course of action immediately before justice is served."
I nearly choked on my toothpaste. 
I looked at him and he held my gaze, glowering at me.  
I decided honesty would be the best policy here.
"Buddy, I would LOVE to help you, I really would, but I'm just not ABLE to help you.  Why don't you clench your hands together like this? Maybe that will help...."
And that seemed to placate him.  
I wonder if he'll be a teacher some day. 
I think he's got some raw talent here.....

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