Every day when I pick Ryan up from daycare, his teacher hands me a piece of paper detailing what he had to eat for breakfast, lunch and snack, the activities the class did, and even the times he napped and went to the bathroom.
And every day when I pick Ryan up, I scan the sheet and then ask him about his day. He's starting to provide me with some really reliable answers. Often what he says matches up with the "cheat sheet" I'm given by the daycare. He will usually tell me he played with ...." X" He will tell me what he had to eat for snack. He does not usually talk about the kids in his class and I usually don't ask anything specific about them.
So I was really surprised one day when I asked "What did you do today?" he replied, "Connor hit me." I asked him "Where?" And he pointed to his stomach and told me "It hurt. Connor baaaad. I no like Connor." I figured surely Ryan was no angel himself and asked "What did you do to Connor?" Ryan told me he "Pushed him." So we talked about how he should talk to his teacher if another kid hurts him.
A few days later when I picked him up, Ryan started talking about Connor again. This time, Connor had kicked him in the leg. We talked through it again. Then I asked if they could be friends and Ryan told me "no." He still didn't like Connor.
This week the daycare held it's annual Open House. I always go. It's a great opportunity to talk to the kids' teacher and find out what they are working on, how they are doing and look at all the cute crafts they make. And this year, I was dying to know what was up with this Connor kid.
So I went and the first question I asked was, "What is going on with Ryan and Connor?" Silence. Then the teacher asked "Who?" And I told him all the stories Ryan had told me about Connor.
That's when they informed me that there was NO little boy named Connor in Ryan's room.
Or in any other room Ryan has ever been in.
"Connor" does not exist.
And apparently, Ryan gets along very nicely with everyone in his room.
I am still trying to make sense out of this. Further investigation is needed.
Tomorrow when he goes to daycare, I'm hoping to ask him to point Connor out to me to clear this whole thing up. And I'm really hoping he points to someone real and that "Connor" is not an imaginary "enemy" he's created for himself.
My little goof.
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