I normally hate the snow. This year we've really been enjoying it though. One of Ryan's christmas presents was a two dollar piece of plastic to build a "snow fort" or, if you are skilled, a snow igloo. We had enough snow today that while Dylan was napping, we bundled up and tried it out.
We packed the snow down really well and slowly built layer after layer of snowbricks, stacking them on top of each other. We filled in the holes with loose snow. Eventually we had something that looked like this....
(Ryan wanted to see how snow tasted).
Our walls kept growing higher and higher until we had something that looked like this. That's when we noticed one flaw in our design. We forgot to add a door and it was too high for Ryan to climb out!
He thought that was pretty silly of me to forget making a door.
But he just kicked a portion of the wall down and ta-da! A snow fort!
He was pretty proud of himself.
We had so much fun making this snow fort! He wants to go back out tomorrow (when the windchill will be -30!!!) and play in it some more! We're just hoping no one knocks it down overnight.
I tried to get him to throw snowballs, but instead, he kept flinging loose snow about.
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