Saturday, May 31, 2014

Ryan goes to the Movie Theater

"We" thought it would be fun to take the kids to see the new movie Maleficent at the theater. "We" meaning "I" thought it would be fun to take the kids to see Maleficent and my husband went because he knew I was cashing in my reward points for seeing X-men with him the week earlier.  It's not very often Mommy gets to see girly oriented movies in this house full of testosterone.

Because this was a full out treat, we splurged on candy and popcorn.  Ryan is not shy about ordering his own stuff.  The conversation with the dude behind the counter went something like this:

Ryan: A box of those chocolate squares please. (pointing to a box of Butterfinger bites).
Me: Those are awfully hard on your teeth.  Pick something else.
Josh: EVERYTHING in here is bad for your teeth.
Me: Good point.
Ryan: OK. A box of Gummy Bears for me and one for Dylan.
Me: How about you share.
The Vender reached in and slid the box of Gummy bears across the counter and said: Now remember, you gotta share these!
Ryan (with an enormous heavy sigh and hand gesturing): HUUUHHHh. I Know, I know.  I always have to do what THEY say (pointing to us and a note of resignation in his voice). "I share all the time. I am VERY good at that."
This seemed to amuse the vender guy a lot.
At this point I ordered a cup of water.
Ryan: Oooh can I have a drink too?
Me: Sure.
Ryan: Root beer. Large please." with a swirl of his hand.
The vender guy was slapping his knee and laughing.
Josh: Um, let's do a small buddy.
Ryan: Oh ok, fine.
Josh to me as we walked behind Ryan (who was noisily slurping his root beer): Who brought that kid??

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