Wednesday, October 23, 2013


 Fighting definitely happens between brothers-- even the best of brothers every once in a while.  I am happy to report that usually it's not my oldest who starts said fights, but the youngest, who doesn't really know better yet (but who is well on his way to knowing better).  But sometimes two brothers just need some good old fashioned play-fighting.
Predictably, the youngest started it--while his nemesis was laid low on the ground none-the-less.  I asked him what he thought he was doing.
Mid swipe, he cheerfully responded that he was "fighting" while  Ryan deployed defensive blocks and attempted to bring Dylan down.
It's pretty amazing that while Dylan is smaller and more wiry, he holds his own pretty well (it does help that Ryan is a good big brother and is usually pretty gentle).
For a few seconds it looked like Ryan would be the victor this time. 

But something happened....I'm not quite sure happened so fast....But Dylan was up and Ryan was the one on the ground. 
After that with both of them giggling this little play fight was over and they went off to play something else.  Boys are so much fun. 

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