Friday, October 4, 2013

The things they say

The other day, I shouted
 to Ryan from the other room, "I love you!" to which he responded with a hearty, "AWWWWWE." 

A few weeks ago, while driving, we ran across someone dressed as Santa holding a promotional sign.  Ryan was initially excited about seeing Santa.  Then he said, "That's a crazy Santa.  It's not Christmas yet." After a moment he then reflected, " Mom, I don't think that's the real Santa.  I think it's a crazy guy dressed up as Santa." 

I was trying to have a heart-to-heart talk with Ryan while stopped at a light. I finished my schpiel.  He then said, "Mom, that stoplight looks like blood."  I doubt that child heard one word I said. 

Ryan recently wanted to know where the foam bracelet with the googly-eyes he made me went and why I wasn't wearing it.  He then encouraged me to wear it because I would be beautiful if I wore it and all the people would tell me I was beautiful, except bad boys who would throw rocks at me. 

This kid's trademark phrases are:

"It SO SO AWESOME!"  (usually in reference to something with sharp teeth, or something daring he just did).

He enjoys pretending his toys bite him.  "HE BITE ME." (he also usually yells everything he says).  Conversely, he likes to bite parts off his rubber/plastic toy animals.  It has been a source of significant turmoil in his and my relationship of late.

If he sees an animal with sharp teeth, or a bad guy in a movie, he will shout, " HE SO SCARY!"

His arguably most favorite phrase, " STOP it RYYyyyyAn"

Oh, the things they say.

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