Monday, December 23, 2013

Jesse: A roller-coaster experience

Recently, Jesse was also moved from his incubator to a real crib.  This is great news!
A few days ago, little Jesse's abdomen was distended, which required a close watch, painkillers, 2 x-rays, and a 

CBV (to check for infection), but then the next morning it was perfectly normal, which was an answer to prayer! 

Evan and Havilah spend most of their time holding him and comforting him since he has very little to soothe him 

since he can't eat yet.  They spend hours day and night by his crib.  They also closely watch the fluid from his 

replogle tube.  It has slowly turned from dark green to almost completely clear (hopes go up!) and back to green 

(hopes go down).  It needs to be clear continuously to really progress further.  

Last night they had a scare as the TPN line (the line which is giving him his nutrients since he can't eat) to his PICC 

line (the line which goes nearly to his heart to prevent constant sticking and drying up veins) accidently 

disconnected.  This is a big deal because bacteria can get in when it becomes disconnected and then you have 

infection and real problems.  The doctor was called.  The nurse ran over.  Everything was replaced with 

sterile equipment.  Antibiotics were given as a precautionary measure.  Havilah does not think the line was 

disconnected long enough for any bacteria to get in the line, but all precautions are being taken.   Jesse has good

bowel sounds and he POOPED for the first time in 10 days! Never has there been so much rejoicing over baby 

poop! They are hoping to go to gravity suction soon and from there, they can progress to feeds! 

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