During the summer my Mom told me I should come visit again in November, so we could go with them to the Pompeii exhibit. I've been very interested in all things Pompeii, Titanic, Mummy and Egyptian since about fifth grade, so of course we decided to take them up on it!
Photography was strictly prohibited in the exhibit, but they did a great job. They had artifacts from daily life: tables, bowls, medical instruments of the day, some of which were similar in form and use to modern tools; fountains, tables, tapestries depicting the gods they worshiped, giant urns for holding wine and other goods. I was impressed at how similar a lifestyle they had to us. They had access to many foods for a varied diet. Although the common folk went to the public baths, the elite had their own bathtubs and had heated water pour out of the spouts. They had a system of pipes for plumbing and water throughout the city. They dined in restaurants. And then Vesuvius erupted. The ground beneath our feet rumbled and smoke poured in at us from the walls, simulating the fall of the town. Then we saw the plaster shells of several victims. I'm glad we saw this exhibit and the reflection of how life as you know it can change in an instant.
After Pompeii, we visited a few more exhibits. We learned about how air is a force that can move things. When you beat this drum, it makes the wall shimmer.
Dylan enjoyed sitting in this aircraft.
We learned about electricity.....Ryan touched this pretty ball.....
and received a small shock.
So did Aunt Larissa. I stupidly touched Ryan and got shocked.
We made a circuit while holding hands.
Ryan built a circuit.
No trip to the Franklin Institute would be complete without a romp through the giant walk-through heart.
In the gift shop, Ryan discovered venus fly traps. (Shhh, don't tell him but he's getting astronaut ice-cream in his stocking this year.)
Dylan likes snakes. Josh suggested getting him a real one for Christmas, but I shot that idea down pretty fast.
We had a great learning experience and enjoyed some quailty family time!
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