Sunday, December 29, 2013

Weary parents

We were eating out at my husband's favorite Italian restaurant.  Everyone was hungry and tired after church.  The kids were grumpy and when we were finally seated, immediately fell to stuffing their faces with rolls.  Mid-way through the meal, little Dylan became satiated and tired.  This child fights sleep, so while he wants to be held, he squirms and moves around quite a bit.  I was not done eating and refused to hold him until I was done eating.  This caused him to completely melt-down with some very impressive screaming and fussing.  Josh handled it.  He took him to the bathroom to calm down.  He took him three times.  At that point, I was finished eating and held him. He immediately fell asleep in my arms.

Before leaving, Ryan clamored to go to the bathroom.  I waited in the car with the sleeping baby.  Upon returning, a weary husband related the following story.

"We were in the bathroom and I (Josh) was waiting for Ryan to finish up his business. Another dude came in and I told him to go ahead, I wasn't in line. Ryan yelled out, "Dadddy! Who are you talking to??"

"A gentleman who wants to use the bathroom."

"What's a gentleman?"

"It's a man."

"Can I meet him??"

Amazingly Ryan and the gentleman were done at the same time so Ryan did meet him.  The gentleman remarked, "He sure does have a lot of questions doesn't he?"  Josh responded with "Bless his heart, he sure does."

Ryan piped up at that point, "Sometimes I do bless my heart."

Josh looked at me and said wearily, "I really want to eat my young today...."

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