Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Onery Little Booger.

Yesterday I went to pick up "the boy" from daycare.  Ryan greeted me with his traditional cry of "Mommy here!" accompanied by an excited hop before running to get his jacket.    The lady next to me picking up her daughter said, "Is that your son?"  
My heart swelled with pride and I told her "yes".  
Then she said, "Oh.  Well yesterday your son tried to give me one of his boogers." 
Heart plummets. Drat.  I should have denied ownership.  


The tree is up!
But that's not all......

So is Dylan! Yesterday it seemed he could only hold this position for about a minute before toppling over.  But magically, tonight he is sitting for 5-10 minute stretches.  How is this possible?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

For the "official" Thanksgiving holiday, we traveled to my parents house.  It was special this year because all my siblings were able to be there. 

My brother and his wife were there.  It may be the last time we see them in a while since my brother is preparing for a deployment out of country early next year.

My sister Havilah and her family were also able to come! Which was a wonderful surprise because originally they were not going to be able to come.

My Mom outdid herself on making a feast. 

And Thanksgiving morning, we were able to see my sister's perform in their marching band.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dylan in a cute hat

Right before Thanksgiving, I discovered the cutest hat at Old Navy.  It was just one of those things I had to buy.  
I put it on Dylan and started taking pictures.

And couldn't stop.  The cuteness was blinding.

Absolutely blinding.

He was cooing and smiling and waving his chubby arms.  Every picture was amazing!
Until the tablecloth became more interesting than me and the camera and the photo session ended.

Playing Trains

Playing trains with Papa is one of Ryan's favorite things to do!

Thanksgiving Craft

It's been a while since I've blogged.  But we've been busy!  Ryan's Papa Kangas and Grandma Kangas and Aunt Cassie came for a visit last week. 

Grandma Kangas had a CUTE Thanksgiving craft up her sleeve to do with Ryan: Thanksgiving Pilgrim Hat Cookies.

They were so cute and easy to make.  All you need is: A cookie sheet, Keebler striped cookies, vanilla icing, a bag, scissers, peanut butter cups and reeces pieces. 

First, get a package of keebler frosted cookies--you know, the ones with the stripes.  Flip them upside down on a cookie sheet.

Pipe some vanilla frosting in a small circle around the hole in the cookie.  You will need a bag to put the frosting in and scissors to cut a slit in one corner of the bag to pipe the frosting onto the cookies.

Take Reeces peanut butter cups and unwrap them.  Place them upside down on the frosted cookies. 

As a finishing touch, add Reeces pieces or some other bright, small candy (like chicklets) onto the frosting as a "buckle."  

This non-cooking cookie project was really really cute and Ryan enjoyed it a lot!  Thank you Grandma Kangas and Aunt Cassie for doing such a fun activity with Ryan!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sleepy Eyes

poor sick Dylan.
He was so miserable all weekend. But I think he is finally on the mend. He even ate some cereal today. But it wasn"t long before his eyes started to get heavy....
Realllly heavy.

Aww. What a sweet little guy.  Keep getting better!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


As I was leaving work on Thursday, I was so happy that it was the "weekend."  Until I checked my phone messages.  My daycare had called to tell me Dylan was sick and running a fever of 102. 
My poor baby!  I got him a doctor appointment that afternoon where he was diagnosed with a respiratory infection and I was told there wasn't much they could do just wait it out and give him tylenol.

I hate fevers for this reason.  There isn't much you can do.  Just wait.  Poor little Dylan.  He looks miserable.  He is lethargic, isn't eating as much as normal, coughs and his eyes are constantly watering.   Instead of cooing he makes this sad moaning noise and he's happy to just lay his head on my shoulder and lay there limply.  It's really pathetic.  In the last three days we've done a lot of rocking and gone through a lot of tylenol. 

All about Giving

Ryan was invited to his friend's birthday party the first weekend of November.  He was so excited.  It was all he talked about the entire week.
I let him pick out the present.  He told me he was going to "share" the toy he picked out with the birthday boy.
I told him when we give something, we give it completely.  We don't just share it.  He took it pretty well.

On the day of the party, which was at Chucky Cheese, he had SO much fun.   He played well with the other kids, and gave the present he picked completely away.  I was so proud of him!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kiddie Quotes

These days it seems I am always nearly in tears with laughter over the things Ryan is saying.  Here are a few that happened this week that I just never want to forget:

On Heaven--He told me after our nightly bible story he wanted to go live in Heaven with Jesus.  I was so proud of him.  The next morning, I told Josh (in front of Ryan) about Ryan wanting to go live in Heaven.  Then Ryan tugged on Josh's shirt urgently and said, "I don't wanna go there anymore."

Whenever I look unhappy or give him the "straighten up" look:  He knits his brows together and very seriously says, "Mommy I sorry.  I don't mean to. I so sorry."

To baby Dylan when he's crying, "Ohhhhhhhhhh you fiiiiiine baby Dylan youuuu fine.  No more crying baaaaby dylan!"  (He is for the record, the sweetest, most attentive big brother ever.)  Then if the baby does not stop crying, he throws his hands up and says, "YOU tell him Mommy. He not listen."

When I was folding laundry he saw a framed picture of Josh and I on our wedding day.  He brought it over to me and said, "Mommy, you look like a princess."  My heart just melted.  I asked him if Daddy looked like a prince.  He said, "No, he not.  He look like a shoe." 

I was briefing Ryan on our holiday plans.  I told him we'd get to see Uncle Jason and Aunt Becky at Thanksgiving.  I asked him if he knew where Uncle Jason lived, which was kindof mean, because my brother moves around a lot and the odds of him actually knowing are pretty much none.  But he gave me a really good answer. "He lives in a Helatopa (helicopter)." Which is actually really close considering my brother is a marine training on the Ospery aircraft and training is pretty intense.

When he wants candy he shows me his wrinkle free thumbs and reminds me, "I no suck my fum (thumb) I'm a BIG boy."

On Halloween day we walked him into daycare, where a huge shipment of candy lay in boxes and boxes on the table.  His eyes grew huge. Candy is a big deal to him.  He told Josh in a dreamy voice, "I just wanna look (at) it."  And then he stood there and stared at the candy for about a two whole minutes before Josh got tired of it and let him away.

Finally, I showed him a youtube clip of the original "Charley and the Chocolate Factory."  The clip was the part where Veruca wants a golden goose, throws a tantrum, then goes down the shoot, then Willy Wonka says, "She was a bad egg." Ryan's eyes were huge.  He turned to me horrified and said, "She turned into an egg! She a BAAAAD egg! I no wanna be a egg! " Then he asked me to watch it again.

Also, he has some pretty adorable substitutions and distortions these days.
Squirrels are "furrels."
Chick-fil-a is "Chicka-lay"
He refers to Thomas the Train as "my Thomas."
"Egg" for the record is pronounced "ek."